Eating My Dreams
I used to eat my dreams.
One Krispy Kreme at a time.
The doughnuts never cared what I looked like.
They never cared whether I spoke up or not.
Krispy Kreme couldn’t judge me.
I allowed them to slowly eat away at my dreams.
How could I be a travel nurse and leave them behind?
So I sat there and swallowed my voice.
All the while trapped inside myself.
Screaming inside but no one could hear me but me.
One day I decided to listen to this woman inside of me.
I listened to her dreams and what she wanted to be.
I dreamed of her at night.
Once I listened to her, I couldn’t ignore her anymore.
I had to stop eating my dreams.
I put my boxing gloves on and fought for the woman inside.
No longer was this eating disorder going to stop my dreams.
No longer was I going to allow it to steal my voice.
I put my trust in God and started to tell my story.
The woman inside of me and I are now one.
I’m no longer eating my dreams, I’m living them.
I’m free.
Shavawn Boyer
Originally published on January 21, 2016 from
